Golden Hills Water Association, LLC
Three simple steps for new residents / lot owners

1. Complete and submit the Resident / Lot Owner Form.

2. Choose an electronic payment method to use.

3. After receiving your first bill. Follow the instructions to register for the Customer Portal.
Golden Hills Water Association, LLC Links
- Annual drinking water report
- Drinking water test results (hardness)
- SD DANR Drinking Water Program
Rates and fees
(effective May 1, 2023)
Non-Users Water Fee = $15.00 Monthly (Lot Owners)
Monthly Water Rates*: (Connected to the water system)
Base Rate = $90
0 – 5,000 gallons = $90 (base rate)
5,001 – 15,000 gallons = $10.00 per 1,000 gallons
15,001 gallons and up = $20.00 per $1,000 gallons
*We will be charging by the gallon at rates listed above. (industry standard)
New Resident Admin Fee = $100 (one-time charge upon occupancy; non-refundable)
New Construction Water Meter Fee = email sagewaterworks100@gmail.com for current pricing (one-time charge)
Automatic Payment (ACH) Discount = $5.00 per month/per account
Water meters are read remotely on the first of each month and billing for the prior month will be emailed the 2nd – 8th of each month. (e.g. January water usage/base fees are invoiced in February).
Payments are due by 25th of each month or a late fee of $15 will be assessed.
Home / lot sales and transfers: Email sagewaterworks100@gmail.com
Your email bill will come from no-reply@authoritypay.com. Please add this email to your contacts.