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Cedar Berry Canyon, LLC

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New Landscape Watering Permit

Address of Property Requesting Watering Permit(Required)
Water Permit Start Date(Required)
Reason for Request(Required)
If approved, you will be emailed (or mailed, by request) a Water Permit to display in a window that is visible to the outside on the front lower level of the residence. The email will come from The permit will state the two-week window you are allowed to water the new sod/seed daily. Watering time restrictions still apply, and failure to observe the time restrictions will result in revocation of the water permit. All water usage is subject to normal water rates and fees. Please review the Drinking Water System Information / Watering Restrictions. No watering permit extensions will be granted.

Form can also be printed and mailed to:

Cedar Berry Canyon, LLC
C/O 5310 Ebony Place
Piedmont, SD 57769